Matsushita Konosuke
Age 93 (when he died in 2006)
Net Worth $3 Billions
Born Japan Citizen Japan
Education: Never went to High School
Here is picture of Matsushita Konosuke
He produced 14,000 Electric Products
And Matsushita had almost no schooling. At age 9, he was an orphan and started working. Here is his childhood picture
Here is youtube link
He is an inventor. Here are the one of 2 things he invented in 1918
He is known in Japan as "God of Management"
His most important contribution: social responsibility of his company
and that applies not only to Japan but other countries
His 2 most famous brands are
(1) National
(2) Panasonic
Donald Bren
Age 85 Net Worth $16.3 Billion
Born Los Angeles, US Citizen US
Selfmade in Real Estate, founded Irvine Company in 1977
This is picture of Donald Bren
In 1956, he was National Alpine Ski Championships US
This is my youtube link
He is the Richest Real Estate Self-made Billionaire in the US in 2017
He made 99% of his wealth from Irvine Company, which he founded in 1977
Education University of Washington
He was on ski scholarship at UW, and almost made the 1956 US Olympic Ski Team had it
Donald Bren's father is Milton H Bren, a successful Jewish movie producer in Hollywood
Donald Bren is being sued $131 Million by his 2 children and a girlfriend called Jennifer Gold
Pareto Distribution
This is a nasty distribution, also known as the hockey stick
where 1% will get 90% of the outputs
I am indebted to Professor Jordan Peterson of University of Toronto
Here is Professor Jordan Peterson
Derek de Sollar Price for Price Law
Here is the original Vilfredo Pareto
Here is link to my youtube video
Basic Tenets here
IQ is Distributed Normally
Wealth Distribution is Pareto
Is the system Fair?
Yes, it is
E.g. Pareto Distribution applies to Sports, Music, Academic publication and citations and now Income Distribution
The Distribution is the same
but the Players are different
E.g. Richest Man on Earth
It is either Bill Gates, Carlos Slim or Warren Buffett
But these men cannot pass on their economic dominance to the next generation
The sons and daughters or Gates, Slim or Buffett will never be billionaires (without inheritance)
Henry Sy
Age 92 Net Worth $20 Billion
Born Fujian Province, China Citizen Philippines
Selfmade in Retail, Real Estate and Banking
Education: 2 Year at Far Eastern University, studied Commercial Studies
Here is a picture of Henry Sy
Here is my web link
This is the first shoe mart he opened in Manila in 1958
He is the Father of Philippines Retail
He is now the Richest Man in Philippines
and he owns 60 malls in the Philippines,
among them, the Mall of Asia
Horst Paulmann
Age 82 Net Worth $4.6 Billion
Born Kassel, Germany Citizen Chilean and German
Selfmade in Hypermarket and Retail , founded CENCOSUD in 1976
Education: did not finish High School
Here is a picture of Horst Paulmann
Here is my youtube link
Horst Paulmann owns CENCOSUD, the largest Retail Conglomerate in South America.
At age 13, he started working for his father's restaurant
In 1958, when his father died, he and his brother Jurgen Paulmann converted the restaurant into a grocery store. It met with immediate success. This is picture of their first supermarket Las Brisas
The first product he sold was strawberry, the second product was walnut
Now he owns the Tallest Building in South America
It is called Gran Torre (Great Towere) de Santiago
Horst Paulmann also owns the largest shopping mall in South America "Costanera Center"
He owns 8 retailers , 50 shopping malls and employs 140,000 people as of 2017. Paul Horstman is the Richest Man in Chile and the Retail King of South America.
John Henry
Age 68 Net Worth $2.5 Billion
Born Quincy, Illinois US Citizen US
Self-made in Futures Trading, Sports Franchise
Owner of Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football Club
Education: Dropout University of California
Here is picture of John Henry with third wife Linda
Here is my youtube link
He was a Philosophy Major in college.
He dropped out of college to play in a band
In 1981, he founded John W Henry & Company
He adopted Turtle-Trading Strategy
In 2012, he returned $2.5 Billion to his client and closed out John W Henry & Company to concentrate on sports.
His biggest achievement. He broke the Bambino Curse (1918 to 2004, 86 years)
He led Boston Red Sox to 3 World Champion
Here is John Henry with his outsized Cigar in mouth
First one in 2004,
Second one in 2007
and third one in 2013