Tuesday, December 1, 2015

On a Record-Breaking pace.

I am happy, happy, happy.  Yesterday I ePublished my 7th book "Zero to Billions: Anyone Can, 43 Hong Kong Self-made Billionaires: Hong Kong as #1".

My goal is to ePublish eBook #8 "Hedge Fund Self-made Billionaires" before 12/31/2015.  If I can do this, I think I am on world record breaking pace.  I would have published 8 eBooks in One Year.
I don't need a gratitude journal. 

First thing first, I need to edit another version of eBook #7 "Hong Kong SMB".  Once published, I found too many things I am unahappy with.  I will spend 12 hours to read over every sentence and rewrite or rephrase all the awkward phrases.  There is always room for improvement.  I plan to ePublish version 2 by 12/3/2015.

It is 1 am on 12/1/15 and I am back to work, or rather to write.


  1. This is wonderful, wonderful news! I can't wait to read all your ebooks!

    1. Now I only have to complete eBook #8 "Hedge Fund Self-made Billionaires" by 12/31/15 and I would have a wonderfully productive year. I have found 42 already and 60% are from Harvard , astonishing homogeneity. Many Thanks
